Concerns regarding mental health issues can arise during any facet of the proceedings, from initial arrest to sentencing. ForPsych has years of experience working with private attorneys, public defenders, and prosecutors throughout Ohio. Additionally, we are aware that while some legal standards and issues in the juvenile court system parallel those in the adult system, developmental issues distinguish these two systems. Understanding the specific legal statute is one key to providing an accurate and helpful assessment. Another key is understanding psychological issues and how they relate to that legal statute.
ForPsych has contracts with Courts throughout the state to provide these services. For nearly 25 years, Dr. Deardorff served as the Director of Hamilton County Juvenile Court Psychology Clinic, and Dr. Leisgang has served as its Chief Consulting Psychologist since 2017. In 2020, Dr. Leisgang and Judge John W. Williams were awarded the OSBA Judicial Administration and Innovation Committee’s Innovative Court Practices Award for its Hamilton County Juvenile Court School-Based Threat Assessments Program.
Our staff is adept in providing expert opinions for the following: